Castor&Pollux Music

Lee Elderton / Nathan Hubbard
Level 3

Castor and Pollux Music CD003

The Moon Is Almost Full
Bells And Spheres
The Winding Way
Last Refuge
Firm Believer
For Pat Pfiffner
The Voice Of Reason
Morning Has Arrived

(from the liner notes)
"This music is a document of our friendship, our backgrounds, our teachers and mentors as well as where we are today. It continues our interests in an expanded sound language, new modes of interaction, electronic possibilities and acoustic/spatial relationships. The music is simply a soundtrack to what we live. Thank you for joining us." - LE/NMH

The music documented on this recording shows the workings of the Elderton/Hubbard Duo in 2000. The record splits down the middle, with half of the pieces recorded in a parking structure and the other half recorded in studio. There are also two solo pieces, one from Elderton (the winding way), and one from Hubbard (for pat pfiffner).